By Angie Fenton
A little more than three years ago, I learned a valuable but harsh lesson: Just because you think something is a good idea doesn’t mean anyone else will.
Seated at a booth at Tucker’s in New Albany, my husband and business partner, Jason Applegate, and I etched out our business plan to start a magazine highlighting Southern Indiana.
We both had other career options, but this one – Jason’s initial idea, by the way – was something we were collectively passionate about, though it was terrifying.
In order to accomplish starting a magazine, we would have to invest every spare dollar we had, seek investors, find advertising partners and seek places willing to carry our publication, which didn’t exist.
The naysayers were aplenty (and rightfully so), but we believed, as did our initial investors, advertising partners and the businesses who let us drop off our first magazines, along with the writers, photographers and our now Art Director/Co-owner Adam Kleinert, all of whom saw what Extol Magazine could – would – become.
Three years later, this issue is a celebration of that and a testament to our mission: To celebrate Southern Indiana – and beyond.
It’s not about us. Extol is about you.
Thanks to your input and support, heading into year four is exciting and has ensured we’re here to stay. Thank you, all of you, for your support. We are grateful.
In these pages, once again, you will find people and places who make Southern Indiana a locale we want to continue spotlighting. You know as well as we do that our culinary scene is burgeoning, our arts and entertainment opportunities for spectators and performers continue to blossom, real estate is booming and this region is attracting attention that’s much deserved.
All of us at Extol Magazine look forward to continuing to highlight what makes us special. And, we think – three years in the making – our community deserves the accolades and so much more.
Happy Anniversary to us all. Let’s keep celebrating and enjoying as we strive to continue creating opportunities and growth.