Chris Fugate
City of Austin Clerk-Treasurer Chris Fugate talks about his passion for fitness and running
We sat down with City of Austin Clerk-Treasurer Chris Fugate whose passion for running is as steadfast as his commitment to serving his community. Known for his dedication in the office and his energetic strides on the city’s trails, Chris is an inspiration. We explore how his love for running has fueled his life, kept him centered, and how he encourages others in their athletic pursuits.
Talk about your athletic background. When did you start running? Did you play any other sports?
I started running when I was in elementary school. Until I started high school, I ran cross country, track, played baseball and basketball. In high school I continued with everything except baseball.
Do you have an athlete that you really admire?
Not really. I mean I admire the work that all professional athletes put in to get to where they are. The continued work they have to put in all year round to stay at the top level is amazing.
You coach high school cross country. What interested you in that role?
I have been running since I was 7 or 8. My high school coach was a great inspiration to me and so many others. So when my son came to me before his freshman year and said he wanted to run cross country for my high school coach it allowed me to start thinking about it. The next year, I took over as high school cross country coach, with my old coach as my assistant.
How did you motivate your students? What was one of your most rewarding moments as a coach?
I try to just encourage all my runners. I try to get them to be the best version of themselves as they can be. I try and celebrate every P.R. for every kid, it doesn’t matter if they are my fastest or my slowest it is still a P.R. for them. My most rewarding moment was coaching my son. He was a kid who didn’t like running at all in middle school to a kid who would be an All State runner as a senior.
How have you made running a part of your day to day life?
Yes! I run about every day of the year. It is time for me to clear my head.
Where do you prefer to run? Outside? Inside? Trail or road?
Outside is my favorite. I enjoy running trails but 10 years ago I was hit by a car while running and had to be flown to U. of L., so the trails are harder for me to manage now. I run a lot on local paved trails and roads.
How do you strike a balance between your health (running), family, and work?
Running is my “me time.” By that, I mean that it is my stress reliever, so I make time to run. It might be before work, during my lunch time, or after work. At most, I usually run an hour. I’ve made it a part of my daily routine.
Are you a marathon runner? What’s your favorite race that you’ve run?
I do run some marathons. Chicago being my current favorite. My favorite race is Fast Freddie’s Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving morning.
What advice would you give to new runners?
I tell all new runners this is hard but it is very rewarding and hopefully something they will do for the rest of their lives.
How have you seen running impact your life for the better?
Yes. My mom and dad were both diabetics and died in their early 70’s from heart disease, my sister is also diabetic. I feel like my running has helped me control my insulin and I stated earlier running helps me clear my head.
If you could run anywhere in the world, where would you run and why?
I would love to go to Kenya and spend some time running in some of their training camps. Kenya has been the leader in distance running for a long time and I would love to just learn what motivates them to be so great.