Photo by Danny Alexander
If the sweltering summer months kept you from staying committed to lacing up your running shoes and going for a walk or run, autumn is the time to start anew. Southern Indiana offers a number of family-friendly and competitive races and fun 5Ks, including SWAT TROT 2018 in Borden (Oct. 27), ElectriCom Run Cancer Out of Town 5K at French Lick Resort (Oct. 27), Rebel Color Dash in Elizabeth (Nov. 3) and much more. Pacers & Racers, 3602 Northgate Ct. #19 in New Albany, has built a reputation of ensuring customers walk out of the store with the correct shoes on their feet, smiles on their faces, and the knowledge that they have become members of the Pacers & Racers family. The shop also hosts an online schedule of the latest runs and walks. Visit pacersandracers.com, click on “Running & Walking” and then “Race Calendar” for details.