The Arrow Fund hosted its annual Monster Mash Costume Ball Oct. 23 at Passalino’s in Louisville, which donated use of the venue for the event. Extol’s Managing Partner Jason Applegate and Editor in Chief Angie Fenton co-chaired the ball, which included complimentary appetizers from Martini’s Bistro, a photo booth from Moto Photo, decorations courtesy of Events LLC, $600 in costume contest prizes provided by Koetter Woodworking’s Starlight Foundation, and plenty of dancing, thanks to DJ Z-Nyce, an official deejay of the Indiana Pacers. Other sponsors included Neace Ventures, Extol Magazine and Omagi Salon and Spa. All proceeds benefited The Arrow Fund, which rescues abused and neglected animals in Kentucky and Indiana. Many thanks to Jo-An Holleman, Angie Payton, and the foursome from America’s Best Bartenders for donating their bartending skills for the night. For more information about the nonprofit, go to
Joe KostiukMandy BennettErica KellerWill DierkingWill DierkingWill DierkingHaving fun at the Arrow Fund Costume CelebrationAngie Fenton and Tammi DominowskiJon Freels and JD DotsonHaving fun at the Arrow Fund Costume CelebrationHaving fun at the Arrow Fund Costume CelebrationHaving fun at the Arrow Fund Costume CelebrationHaving fun at the Arrow Fund Costume CelebrationHaving fun at the Arrow Fund Costume CelebrationHaving fun at the Arrow Fund Costume CelebrationHaving fun at the Arrow Fund Costume CelebrationHaving fun at the Arrow Fund Costume CelebrationHaving fun at the Arrow Fund Costume CelebrationHaving fun at the Arrow Fund Costume CelebrationHaving fun at the Arrow Fund Costume CelebrationHaving fun at the Arrow Fund Costume CelebrationHaving fun at the Arrow Fund Costume CelebrationJason Applegate and Kris RitcherJason Applegate and Bernie SandersA big group of partiers at the Arrow Fund Costume CelebrationCarrie Shoaf and Charles AllenJoe Kostiuk Howard and Carrie Shoaf Tim and Leeann GoochKrista Rigling and Bryan GillespieKrista Rigling and Bryan GillespieWes Auberry Michelle Mobley and Marian Knepshield SangMichelle Mobley and Marian Knepshield SangJulia Rose and Angie FentonJulia Rose and Angie FentonJeff and Carrie KettermanHaving fun at the Arrow Fund Costume CelebrationHaving fun at the Arrow Fund Costume CelebrationSonia Reed Donell Parker Shelly Talbott and Lillian Parker with Americas Best Bartenders and ServersTammi Dominowski Maria Triplett Erica Keller and Maria TriplettJessica Montgomery and Charles CarperStevie Carper Kimberly Kearney and Charles CarperCharles CarperBob StarksKrista Rigling Kerri Ripperger and Patsy MartinJessica Montgomery and Bryan GillespieJessica Montgomery and Bryan GillespieJessica MontgomeryJessica Montgomery and Joe KostuikJessica Montgomery and Joe KostuikJoe KostuikRon King and Robert MerrittBryan Gillespie Krista Rigling Jessica and Adam BledsoeKaren MitchellMichelle Mobley and Wes AuberryAngie Peyton and JoAnn TomlinDoug and Carrie KloosDoug and Carrie KloosTy and Holly ReedJoAnn Tomlin getting her makeup touched upWes Auberry Rebecca Eaves Geoff Crowe and Rita StevensErica GrossbergAngie Peyton having her makeup appliedBillie Monk and Kim Ray with the ButlerJason ApplegateJason ApplegateTammy SpearsTammy SpearsShannon and Geoff CroweShannon and Geoff Crowe