By Angie Fenton
Photos by Tony Bennett
Every time Felecia Koerber walks into her jewelry store, she’s sure of at least two things: Her late husband Michael Koerber would approve of the beautifully renovated New Albany shop and how Felecia, CEO, and her daughter Jacquelyn Koerber, CFO, are handling business. “Mike would be really proud,” Felecia said, wiping away a few tears.
Known throughout the Southern Indiana community as a humble man with a big heart, Mike was diagnosed with stage 4 tonsil cancer in early 2013. As the family – including son Joshua Koerber – collaborated on how to best help Mike battle cancer, plans to expand and renovate Koerber’s Fine Jewelry continued. The Koerbers owned the building and property at 3095 Blackiston Mill Road, where their shop had been located since 1997, but they’d always had several other tenants along with them in the space. “
It was time for a change.
While Mike and Felecia traveled to New York City for Mike’s treatment, Jacquelyn stayed home to oversee construction. When the cancer went into remission, Felecia and Mike headed back home. Together, the entire family worked on the store, often calling upon friends for help. “We’d never know who was going to show up, but they did,” Felecia recalled.
So did the Koerbers’ staff. “We have an incredible team here,” said Jacquelyn. “We could not have done it without each and every one of them.”
As the remodeling progressed, the cancer came back and quickly ravaged Mike’s body. Doctors made it clear there was nothing else they could do except to prolong the inevitable. Jacquelyn, who’d watched her father fight the disease for nearly two years, knelt down and told him, “You don’t have to do this for us. We will be OK.”
Michael Koerber died Feb. 22, 2015, at the age of 63.
“Even though he could barely talk (and) it hurt so bad (his voice) was barely a whisper, his last words to me were, ‘I’m so happy we got the store done,’” Felecia recalled.
“This is his legacy,” said Felecia, gesturing around the store. The successful business is what has allowed the Koerbers to contribute to local causes, particularly Hosparus, while serving the community and creating friends out of customers.
“We wanted the store to feel like a part of our home,” Felecia said. “We wanted it to feel homey; we wanted warmth. We wanted people to feel comfortable. I think we’ve done a pretty good job of it. Mike would be really, really proud.”
Koerber’s Fine Jewelry CEO Felecia Koerber and her daughter Jacquelyn Koerber, Koerber’s Fine Jewelry CFO.
The Koerber’s Fine Jewelry staff.
Customers are welcome to pull up at seat at Koerber’s Pub inside Koerber’s Fine Jewelry.
Extol Magazine Launch Party
Step away from the hustle and bustle of the holiday season for a moment and join the Extol team 5:30-7:30 p.m. Dec. 15 at Koerber’s Fine Jewelry, 3095 Blackiston Mill Road. Attendees will be treated to complimentary appetizers, cocktails and beverages; a holiday-themed red carpet; and giveaways.
Koerber’s Fine Jewelry
3095 Blackiston Mill Road
New Albany
Holiday Hours
10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Friday
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, Dec. 13 & 20
Regular Hours
10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Monday, Wednesday, & Friday
10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Thursday
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
Featured Designers
Hearts on Fire
Simon G.
Scott Kay
Precision Set
Alexis Bittar
Alex and Ani
Judith Ripka
Koerbers Estate Collection
Citizen Watches
Happy Holidays from Koerber’s
You’ll find gift cards worth as much as $500 from Koerber’s in this issue of Extol Magazine between pages 32 and 33.