Your Community Bank serves the needs of business owners and individuals across Southern Indiana and Louisville. The locally-owned and -operated bank also takes investing in the community seriously.
For example: A customer stopped by the Your Community Bank location on Court Avenue in Jeffersonville. There he asked Jasmine Foreman if she would be willing to teach his nephew, Patrick, who has various special needs, a few things about banking and take on the role of his “personal banker.” Jasmine quickly agreed. The customer did not think his nephew would ever be able to live independently, but soon, they received news from Patrick’s doctors that the young man was ready to live on his own. When it came time for Patrick to open an account on his own, whom did he request? Jasmine, of course, because he remembered how helpful and friendly she had always been.
Do you know of a person, like Jasmine, or organization setting a positive example in the Southern Indiana community? Or, are you or your organization making a difference for others? If so, we want to hear from you. Please send an email to extol@extolmag.com with details. We’ll pick the best stories and possibly follow up with an article in a future issue of Extol to be published in our Example section, which is sponsored by Your Community Bank.