By Grant Logsdon
It seems like more and more, with one terrible event after another, in our society it’s difficult to stay positive. Whether it is financial hardships, the political climate or the stresses of raising children it is easy to fall into negativity. Sometimes you have to take a long look at your personal situation and get real about how you want to live your life and what is needed for personal success.
I believe you have to make a conscious effort to be positive blocking out others’ opinions of what you should do or what you should be. You have to decide to make someone else happy or make yourself happy. It’s not easy.
For me, I know I have to stay positive and have to search out people and activities that make me feel optimistic and motivated.
I use music to relax and unwind. Some music touches my heart and encourages me to help others, while some makes me happy and lets me dance away my troubles. It’s just good old feel good music. When I have a bad day, or a day that just wipes me out, music is my only way to relax, breathe and move forward. It really helps me.
Swimming is another activity that relaxes me; I can just let the blues float away. In the pool I really get in the zone. I’m happy and it’s a good way to disconnect from news and noise. I also enjoy traveling. I love exploring new places, new tastes and experiences. This keeps me positive.
The people around you either make you or break you. I surround myself with authentic people and distance myself quickly from those that aren’t’ the real deal. I know that’s easier said than done, but I owe it to myself to be around positive people.
My life experiences have taught me to look at a person’s heart, not physical appearance or their pocketbook, but rather their heart and actions. I know what Maya Angelou meant when she said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.” Anytime I ignored my gut, I have regretted it. It’s simple, you know yourself better than anyone.
Something new I’ve started this year is writing down my short and long term goals. I have even been making a point to schedule time with friends so my friendships don’t suffer when life gets hectic. My friendships are important to me; they keep me happy and keep me positive. I believe in nurturing friendships. Friendships are like seeds you cultivate and grow. You never know how it will grow if you tend it.
Recently a group of friends I made years ago by reaching outside my community surprised me with a birthday lunch. If I had not reached out I would never have known their love through thick and thin all these years, despite our differences. The surprise was more about the relationship than just my birthday. They took their time, on a rare day off, to surprise me. How blessed I am.
Surround yourself with things you love and people you love, that is the surest way to stay positive.