Local charcuterie board company brings flavor to the table. IT’S A TREND that’s been sweeping both coasts...
ANDREW PRESTON Preston Arts Center 222 6th St. Jeffersonville 3048 Bardstown Road Louisville prestonartscenter.com 812.946.5353 What motivates...
A new day at The New Washington State Bank with CEO Jessica Carroll at the helm By...
Schmitt Furniture celebrates longevity and overcoming industry changes BY MANDY WOLF DETWILER | PHOTOS BY ZACH SCHANSBERG Mention...
Arnold Painting Celebrates 60 Years in Business EXTOL REPORTS | PHOTOS BY JASON APPLEGATE AND COURTESY MICAH...
From casual to kempt – and everything in between – here’s what’s hot this autumn. Photography by...
Sept. 25 • German American Bank in Sellersburg Photos by Jason Applegate German American Bank hosted its...
Sept. 19 • Rodefer Moss in New Albany Photos by Jason Applegate Rodefer Moss celebrated its 50th...
Sept. 21 • Koetter Woodworking in Borden Photos by Kathryn Harrington Koetter Woodworking celebrated its 60th anniversary...
Aug. 30 • New Albany Amphitheater Photos by Kathryn Harrington Extol Magazine hosted its first-ever End of...