Welcome to the latest issue of Extol Magazine – now a multimedia experience! In these digital pages, you’ll find the features you’ve come to expect from us, those that highlight the Southern Indiana people and places that deserve celebrating. But, you’ll find so much more.
Since a majority of our print issue distribution locations are contending with their own challenges due to how COVID has affected all of our lives, we’ve decided going digital is the best option and hope you enjoy this new look, which includes stories, photos and videos, too. And, it’s only going to keep getting better.
We have several new projects coming down the pipelines soon, so stay tuned and be sure to connect with @extolmagazine on Facebook and Instagram.
Have questions? Want to share a comment? Know a person, business,
nonprofit or idea that you’d like to see featured in Extol? Drop me a line:
Happy reading – and if you like what you see, please share!
Angie Fenton
Editor in Chief