Rob and Carrie Klaus hosted a party to celebrate the grand opening of Inner Spring Yoga in New Albany, their second location. Guests enjoyed food from Bank Street Brewhouse, the opportunity to meet Inner Spring Yoga instructors, giveaways from The Inner Warrior, True North and Quills Coffeehouse, and the chance to check out the new studio, which is located at 137 E. Market St, Suite 2, in New Albany.
Kaelin Schneider, Kim Hannan, Crystal Edwards and Erica Burkhead, tree pose.
Erica Burkhead, head stand.
Brittany Loftus, wheel pose.
Inner Spring Yoga.
Brenda Snyder, Megan Oakes and Lisa Montgomery.
Carrie and Rob Klaus.
Kaelin and Curt Schneider.
Kim, Chase and McKayla Hannan.
Tonya Buckler and David Stillwell.
Carrie Klaus and Jen Weidner.
Stella Klaus, scorpion and Carrie Klaus, downward dog.
The Darku family.
Mairin Klaus, McKayla Hannan and Stella Klaus.
Angie Fenton and Jason Applegate.
Mairin, Carrie, Stella and Rob Klaus of Inner Spring Yoga.
Stella Kraus.
Tony Bennett with Extol Magazine posing for Stella Klaus at Inner Spring Yoga.
Inner Spring Yoga.
McKayla Hannan performing the wheel pose.
McKayla and Kim Hannan with the tree pose.
Mary Ann Crabtree with Extended Side Angle pose.
McKayla Hannan and Stella Klaus both doing the wheel pose.
Robin Durham, eagle pose.
Robin Durham, eagle pose.
Greg, Jenell and Reagan Ornelas.
Rob Klaus, Craig Patterson and Anthony Perry.
Inner Spring Yoga.
Inner Spring Yoga.
McKayla Hannan, Mairin and Stella Hannan.
Evelyn and Sonia Darku, front and McKayla Hannan, Mairin and Stella Klaus, back row.
Anne Darku, teacher at Inner Spring Yoga performing a big toe balance.
Kofi Darku, warrior three.
Shawna Hickok and Kim Hannan, warrior two.
Leslie and Brad Condra.
Hannah and Kim Hedges, warrior two.
Marianne Hudgens, Tree Pose.
Jason Applegate of Extol Magazine taking photographs of the photographer.
Laura DeMent, bird of paradise.
Laura DeMent, head stand with eagle legs.
Mairin Klaus, Sonia Darku, Emery Petry, Stella Klause, McKayla Hannan and Evelyn Darku spelling “Yoga.”
Erica Burkhead and Carrie Klaus.
Erica Burkhead, side crow.
Mary Ferguson and Meredith Needham, double plank.
JD Dotson, relaxing.
JD Dotson, crow.
Front: Anne Darku and Laura DeMent. Back: Graylin Porter, Amanda Jones, Carrie Klaus, Lydia Lagenour, Perla Jones and Kari Nolan.
Gralin Porter and Lydia Logenour.
Graylin Porter, flying pidgeon.
Daniella Corley and Shawna Hickok, mountain pose.
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