We launched our June/July issue at Fieldhaus in New Albnay at a party presented by K-I Lumber and Building Materials and sponsored by Building & Developing Association of Southern Indiana, Signature Countertops, Infinity Homes, and Coronado Stone. Guests enjoyed complimentary appetizers and tastings by Old 502 Winery, Fall City Beer and Cardinal Spirits out of Bloomington Ind. $4 beers, $5 cocktails and giveaways totaling $1,000 from Fuzzy Zoeller Productions/Covered Bridge/Champions Point Golf Courses, Fieldhaus, Your Community Bank, Lavender Hill Floral, and Inner Spring Yoga.
John Dillman and Susan Kaempfer enjoying a great dinner at the Extol Launch Party at FieldhausDee Dee Druin and Anna GonzalezKaelyn Schneider and Samantha SettyFred Johnson Angie Fenton and Jason ApplegatePatty Schnatter Cory Costello and Avery WaltsMaria Triplett Matthew Porter Randy Blevins and Michelle DierkingBrahm and Molly with their father Adam KleinertTrina and Dustin WhalinMandy Bennett and Tracy JonesGrant Logsdon and Jason Applegate at the Extol Launch Party at FieldhausPat Domke Albert Fisher and Connie StevensMatt Bergman and Paul KigerPat HarrisonPat HarrisonJen Allen Mindy Harrington and Heather RobinsonLewis Walden and Karla Shawler with Remax and Premier HomesFred Johnson and J P DavisMeri Wilson Kristen Kirsch and Miranda McDonaldMeri Wilson Kristen Kirsch and Miranda McDonaldMike DiCenso and Meri WilsonWinner of the Inner Spring Yoga gift certificateTrina WhalinDon Naville winner of the $100 gift card from Your Community BankMeri Wilson won the Fuzzy Zoeller autographed Masters FlagMaria Triplett won a $100 gift card to FieldhausGreg Lander David Miller Charlie Smith and Casey LuckertGreg Lander Barbara Popp David Miller and Charlie SmithMarjie and Ian VertreesAmy and Chase Murphy of Highland BuildersAmy and Chase Murphy of Highland BuildersDanielle Archer and Abby RagainsBob Woinner Vitor Bueno and Matt Falvey with Old 502 and Falls City BeerAlison Zook and Jeff Wuslich of Cardinal Spirits Bloomington IndianaPauline Benich Miranda Popp Jon Freels and J D DotsonPauline Benich Miranda Popp Jon Freels and J D DotsonTiffany and Justin DennisonJudy Welman and Jo AshRandy and Judy WelmanSteve Prentice Karen Hartman Don and Tammy Naville Jo and Pa AshJason Applegate Jon Freels Angie Fenton and JD Dotson