In the heart of Indiana lies Scotty County, a close-knit community where the bonds of family and community are cherished above all else. At the center of this community’s efforts to strengthen families and create a brighter future for its residents is the Scott County Family Partnership (SCFP). This non-profit organization has been a beacon of hope and support, providing vital resources and services to families in need.
The Scott County Partnership is the lead agency for Covering Kids and Families (CKF) of Scott County. This vital program helps families in Scott County enroll into Indiana Medicaid plans such as Hoosier Healthwise, Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP) and also Marketplace coverage. Along with providing this critical service, CKF also educates families on how to access, use, and keep their health coverage.
The big-hearted workers at Scott County Partnership don’t just stop at the borders of their own county. “We have clients that we help everywhere because we don’t say no. So, we have clients in every county that surrounds Scott County,” said Outreach and Enrollment Specialist Brandy Blank.
For anyone that has tried to navigate the process of signing up for insurance or themselves or their family, the task can often seem daunting. Blank and her coworker Dawn Sanders do all they can to help make the task easier. Both ladies are licensed insurance navigators for the state of Indiana, but also licensed certified application counselors, meaning they can also help with Marketplace and all Medicaid programs. “We’ve helped with a variety of things,” explained Blank. “There are usually a lot of documents, we’ve had clients text or email us pictures, we turn things in for the client, and we make a lot of phone calls to employers or past employers to try to help obtain pay stubs and other necessary documents. We just always try to step in where there is a lack of services.”
When it comes down to it, educating the public about what is available to them and helping them through the process makes a world of difference.
Blank explained that a lot of people often come to them with some form of crisis in their lives. “We learn to adapt to different situations. Honestly, we’re just compassionate people and we just want to help.”
Living in a rural community can sometimes come with its own barriers or challenges. Some of those barriers include transportation, lack of ability to read or write, or generational poverty. The CKF Program reaches out to everyone, including the incarcerated population. “We believe that everyone deserves access to healthcare coverage, but for some, there are just a lot of barriers and they give up on trying. I get it! But the fact that there are services available that people don’t know about, that’s what drives my passion,” said Blank.
Covering Kids and Families
partnership.org/covering-kids-families/ ● (812) 752-7365