By JD Dotson
For th e past few wi nters, I have been
asked off and on by my friends Jenna and Kara to
join them and a small group for a winter dip in the
lake. Every Sunday from November through April
these two will trek to Deam Lake – and sometimes
Blue River – to take a dip in the frigid waters. My
answer has always been the same.: “I love you, but
that will never happen.”
I pride myself on being a man of my word, but I
had to go back on part of it. Before I did, I wondered
if I would still love them as much after jumping
into a lake in early March.
I despise being cold and much prefer the heat of
the summer. New Orleans in July, for instance, is the
best time to go in my opinion. I suffer through the
cold weather, wishing summer would last longer
every year. To say I was dreading telling the girls I
would go with them would be the understatement
of the year. But I said it, it was out there and I would
honor my word.
Before I would subject myself to this icy torture,
I had a million questions and got the basics about
where to meet and what to bring, which included a
swimsuit, bathrobe, towels, a toboggan and water
shoes. I would get the rest of my grilling out in the
car ride. I figured if I was more informed about
why on earth people would walk of their own free
will into a lake in winter, it might calm my nerves
about the whole thing.
On a chance meeting at a New Year’s Eve party in
New York City in 2008, Jenna learned of a group of
people meeting the next day at Coney Island for a
dip in the water. The Coney Island Polar Bears are a
charitable club with member dues and a 12 dips per
season requirement to join. Jenna met her member
requirements doing a two-hour door to beach trip
across New York. Where I am a worshipper of the
sun and summer, Jenna is my polar opposite. She
thrives in the cold weather and is co-responsible
for bringing Santa Con to Louisville in December
and jumping in frigid waters all winter long. The
coldest water Jenna has been in was 36 degrees,
and the group has broken up ice to get to the water
in the past. Luckily for me, the day I dipped was
unusually warm and sunny out.
Many cultures around the world have been
practicing cold water plunging for centuries.
Dipping in cold water was all the rage during the
Victorian era as an exhilarating way to start the day.
Research and modern science tell us that there are
many health benefits, too. Any Google search will
include numerous medical and health professionals
extolling the virtues of taking an ice bath, none of
which are lost on Kara and Jenna. Studies show
that cold water stimulates the release of cytokines,
a substance vital to immune systems. Cold water
is known to reduce pain and inflammation by
releasing endorphins in a more immersive way that
is similar to the effects of an ice pack. There is even
evidence that the cold water helps with weight loss
by increasing adrenaline and causing your body
to burn sugar. Mental benefits abound as well as
research shows the cold water activates sensory
nerves leading to the brain, greatly improving
mood and leaving you with a feeling of elation
and accomplishment.
Health and mental benefits aside, the duo
ascertain that other important benefits of taking
the plunge is to test your willpower, and training
yourself to face your fears can be a practice. Kara
knows if she can walk out into icy waters for a
sustained amount of time, she can do anything she
puts her mind to doing. They both agree one of the
greatest benefits they both get out of meeting every
Sunday is the camaraderie of the group of people
that join, sharing tea and stories, and supporting
each other facing their fears together. As a moody,
arthritic person obsessed with his weight and scared
of doing new or uncomfortable things, this plunge
seemed to be just what I needed.
Armed with all of the knowledge I could want,
I enjoyed the camaraderie and tea, which felt like
a pre-game has helped allay some of my fears as
we headed lakeward. I knew what to expect in my
body, and my mind was set on doing this thing,
facing this fear. In reality, nothing can really prepare
you for the first time getting in water that cold.
The temperature of the water that day was 53
degrees, which doesn’t sound that bad. A 53-degree
day is actually pretty nice, sunny and mild. The
same temperature in water is not so nice.
The last person to wade out to the group, I
ditched the robe and thought to myself, Just go
out quick, get covered fast, yank the Band-Aid off,
so to speak. I was not expecting how my breath
would be taken away. I had a hard time forming
full sentences (though curse words came easy),
and I can only imagine the look I had on my face.
At the time, I would have told you I was out
there up to my chest for at least 10 minutes. In reality, I lasted 90 seconds, but I am proud of that
minute and a half. In 90 seconds, I felt the sting
of blood rushing out of my extremities to keep
my core warm and my skin numb. I held on as
long as I could before heading back to shore. The
more seasoned group stayed in the water up to
15 minutes, laughing and talking before casually
making their way back.
To say I enjoyed the experience would be a bit
of a lie. I did enjoy the company, the camaraderie,
the snacks and the tea. I do feel like I faced and
conquered a huge fear, and feel like I do not have
to be so “I will never do that” all the time. Maybe it
was psychosomatic, but my shoulder didn’t ache
in its usual, arthritic way, (although maybe I was
just numb.) Also, if the weight loss aspect turns
out to be true, I could be persuaded to make it a
regular thing. Summer is coming and my swimsuit
was a bit snug.