Photos by Reneasha Stewart of Reneasha Stewart Photography Bookreneasha@gmail.com | Instagram: @reyoflite
Makeup by Amber Wilson | Instagram: @beautybyambrose Hair by Cookie | Instagram: @cookieshair
Princess Cureton
Boss, Master Hairstylist, Owner of A Touch of Princess, The Kiara Shanelle Experience
Hometown: Jeffersonville
My profession is cosmetology. I love being a hairstylist. I am able to make all feel lovely from the crown because that’s where it starts. I am able to create and most importantly I am able to be me.
Making people look and feel their best means the world to me. It helps me feel accomplished when they do too. It makes me happy to see someone else happy.
To make myself look and feel my best, I put on my favorite earrings, makeup, a super cute outfit, do my hair and take selfies.
My personal motto is “you make the hair, don’t let the hair make you.”
My greatest success was finishing high school, cosmetology school and being able to style hair for Prada at New York Fashion Week.
My biggest challenge is handling more than I can bear or doing almost too much but I keep going.
What motivates me the most? My nephews.
My heroes and mentors include my mom, granny, Tymica Martin, Teresa Hinkle-Jones, Dede Cox, RaeShanda Johnson and Kecia Copeland.
My mom and granny are my heroes and mentors because without their guidance in the world and support daily I wouldn’t be the smart, confident and intelligent woman I am. Tymica Martin is my big cousin and a master stylist herself. She has paved the way for me in the hair industry and has always been there for me. Teresa Hinkle-Jones was a school teacher and a family friend who kept me in line. She was like a fairy god-mother to me. Dede Cox is one beautiful soul. She introduced me to pageantry and a lot of community service events, and has not let go of my hand since. She loves me like I was her own. RaeShanda Johnson involves me in all of her fashion events and has supported me as a friend. Kecia reminds me of me: She’s on the go on the daily, and she is very supportive as well. She’s a great friend. We serve together on the “I Am Her” council, which brings awareness to domestic violence and human trafficking.
One thing I wish people knew about me is I have a cupcake fetish.
Favorite Southern Indiana restaurant: Puerto Vallarta
Favorite place to shop: Green Tree Mall
Your go-to song: “Money” by Cardi B
Favorite movie: “Fried Green Tomatoes”
Five things you can’t live without: God, Family, Cell phone, My planner and Cupcakes