What to do the next two weekends? Ron and Mel give you the scoop on two pet events — one each on both sides of the bridge — plus, find out how your pet may be Picasso.
THEY’RE BACK! If you’ve missed Ron and Mel Fisher on the radio, look no further: You an now find them on Extolmag.com. Each week, they will bring you the latest entertainment news and local happenings on The Ron & Mel Show presented by Extol Podcasting.
Make sure to pick up your copy of Extol’s April/May print edition, which is currently on stands in more than 500 locations throughout Southern Indiana and Louisville.
Want to contact Ron & Mel? Send an email to RonandMel@extolmag.com.
If you would like information about advertising on or hosting The Ron & Mel Show at your location, please contact jason@extolmag.com.
This episode is proudly sponsored by:
Floyd County Animal Rescue League
Waggin’ Trails Walk and Festival
Facility Sponsor:

For more information on hosting your event at The Stables above The Exchange, please contact our Private Dining Coordinator Nikki at (502) 338-2944, or send her an email by clicking here.
Podcast photos:
Intro Background Music by: Krzysztof-angowski_Positive-Charge-320 (Copyrighted music by ‘Krzysztof) | Licensed as: by-nc | Title Positive Charge 320 | https://soundcloud.com/krzyslangos | Voice over by Ron & Mel Fisher