One stage, 600 iPads and just as many kids equal theater at your fingertips. In this week’s episode, Ron and Mel talk with Andrew Harris of StageOne about how barriers are being broken.
THEY’RE BACK! If you’ve missed Ron and Mel Fisher on the radio, look no further: You an now find them on Extolmag.com. Each week, they will bring you the latest entertainment news and local happenings on The Ron & Mel Show presented by Extol Podcasting.
Make sure to pick up your copy of Extol’s April/May print edition, which will hit stands first week of April in more than 500 locations throughout Southern Indiana and Louisville .
Want to contact Ron & Mel? Send an email to RonandMel@extolmag.com.
If you would like information about advertising on or hosting The Ron & Mel Show at your location, please contact jason@extolmag.com.
To check out StageOne, please go to:
Andrew Harris | Associate Artistic Director
www.StageOne.org | StageOne@stageone.org
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Podcast Photos:
Intro Background Music by: Krzysztof-angowski_Positive-Charge-320 (Copyrighted music by ‘Krzysztof) | Licensed as: by-nc | Title Positive Charge 320 | https://soundcloud.com/krzyslangos | Voice over by Ron & Mel Fisher