In this week’s episode, Ron and Mel bring Broadway home with Broadway Across America (BAA) and Louisville’s own Leslie Broecker, president of BAA Midwest. The trio discuss the latest shows, the new ones, how the old ones are renewed and what the Kentucky Center of the Arts has coming. As a bonus, Ron and Mel have nationally-known, locally-loved Volare Italian Ristorante co-owner and Head Chef Josh Moore to discussing what he is serving up for the upcoming Extol Launch Party on Feb. 25.
THEY’RE BACK! If you’ve missed Ron and Mel Fisher on the radio, look no further: You an now find them on Extolmag.com. Each week, they will bring you the latest entertainment news and local happenings on The Ron & Mel Show presented by Extol Podcasting.
Make sure to pick up your copy of Extol’s February/March print edition, which is currently on stands in more than 500 locations throughout Southern Indiana and Louisville.
Extol’s February/March 2016 Launch Party will be held at Volare Italian Ristorante on February 25, 2016. Click for details.
Want to contact Ron & Mel? Send an email to RonandMel@extolmag.com.
If you would like information about advertising on or hosting The Ron & Mel Show at your location, please contact jason@extolmag.com.
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