In this week’s episode, Ron and Mel preview Seven Counties’ Roast & Toast: Terry Meiners and introduce Extol’s newest member from inside Old 502 Winery’s tasting room. Cheers!
THEY’RE BACK! If you’ve missed Ron and Mel Fisher on the radio, look no further: You can now find them on Extolmag.com. Each week, they will bring you the latest entertainment news and local happenings on The Ron & Mel Show presented by Extol Podcasting.
Make sure to pick up your copy of Extol’s February/March print edition, which is currently on stands in more than 500 locations throughout Southern Indiana and Louisville.
Extol’s February/March 2016 Launch Party will be held at Volare Italian Ristorante on February 25, 2016. Click for details.
Want to contact Ron & Mel? Send an email to RonandMel@extolmag.com.
If you would like information about advertising on or hosting The Ron & Mel Show, please contact jason@extolmag.com.
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