Lawton Perret
River Hills Welcomes McKinney Climate Fellow
Indiana University graduate student to advance sustainability efforts
Jeffersonville, Ind. (May 16, 2022)— River Hills Economic Development District & Regional Planning Commission is hosting a McKinney Climate Fellow this summer to advance sustainability and climate projects that will benefit Southern Indiana.
Lawton Perret, a Master of Public Affairs candidate at Indiana University Bloomington, will assist River Hills over the next several months, said Cory Cochran, executive director of the commission. “We look forward to utilizing his talents and passion for the benefit of our region.”
The McKinney Climate Fellows, a workforce development program administered by IU’s Environmental Resilience Institute (ERI), places undergraduate and graduate students with Indiana communities, local businesses, and nonprofits to provide solutions-based sustainability and environmental expertise. The initiative, which was recently expanded by a $1.25 million grant from the McKinney Family Foundation, helps prepare students for a future in green careers while also providing meaningful assistance to organizations looking to advance sustainability goals.
“In the sixth year of this program it’s clear that the demand for talented students who want to make a difference for the health and well-being of Hoosiers and the environment has never been higher,” said ERI Resilience Implementation Manager Danni Schaust. “We’re proud to connect Indiana organizations with the next generation of climate leaders and grateful for the support of the McKinney Family Foundation in making this program possible.”
Since its inception in 2017, the McKinney Climate Fellows program has placed more than 150 students in fellowships across the state. These fellowships include partnerships with 55 Hoosier nonprofits, 48 local governments, and 28 private corporations.
About River Hills
River Hills aids communities with economic development and obtaining financial resources. The organization has nearly five decades of experience working with communities in Clark, Floyd, Harrison, Scott, and Washington counties. Visit riverhills.cc for more information.
About the Environmental Resilience Institute
Indiana University’s Environmental Resilience Institute brings together a broad coalition of government, business, nonprofit, and community leaders to help Indiana and the Midwest better prepare for the challenges of environmental change. By integrating research, education, and community, ERI is working to create a more sustainable, equitable, and prosperous future. Learn more at eri.iu.edu.