CONTACT Cory Cochran River Hills Executive Director Facilitator for the Regional Development Authority (502) 216-5445 ccochran@riverhills.cc
Borden Recreation, South Monon Freedom Trail, Nova Parke submitted for state review
Jeffersonville, Ind. (Sept. 2, 2022) – Our Southern Indiana Regional Development Authority (RDA) has formally approved to move several projects forward in the READI process.
During today’s public meeting held at Madison City Hall, the RDA approved four projects to be submitted for state review: Borden Recreation, South Monon Freedom Trail, Nova Parke, and a Charlestown housing project. Also stated at the meeting, two of the projects submitted last month have received official approval from the state to move forward: Origin Park and Destination Madison’s Mulberry Street Arts Corridor. In total, the RDA and state have approved five projects to begin work with several more expected to receive approval within days.

RDA Board Chair
“When you are approving projects of this magnitude and have the vision to see their future impact, it is not just another day at the office,” said RDA Board Chair Dana Huber. “You don’t see this type of return on investment very often, and the RDA is proud to help our communities and our region. It is because of the team that we have in place and those that helped along the way, that the RDA gets to do this work. We are honored and grateful for those community leaders, without them many of these projects would not move forward.”
In December 2021, the RDA received a $50 million grant from the Indiana Economic Development Corporation (IEDC). Since then, the RDA has worked to prepare projects for the funding implementation, approving the first round of projects to move forward in June. This current round of funding is set to receive over $10 million. Including the previous project submissions, the RDA has sought state approval totaling more than $35 million. Additionally, more than $408 million in private investment of the projects is expected. The remaining projects that are currently in the processing phase will receive more than $12 million in READI funding. The RDA has hired River Hills Economic Development District to help the projects progress toward implementation.
“We are proud to have several projects make their way through the approval process,” said River Hills Executive Director Cory Cochran. “Every day, we are working tirelessly to make sure the RDA’s funds and projects are handled appropriately.”

River Hill Executive Director
Once the IEDC approves a project for funding, there is work left before they can begin construction/programming. River Hills is communicating with project leads on a regular basis to ensure a quick and seamless start, said Cochran. “We are thankful for the IEDC working to quickly approve our projects once they receive the request. Our projects and communities are eager to make an impact.”
The next RDA meeting will be held Oct. 7.
“We are glad to see these regional and generational projects get started,” Huber said. “It’s exciting to see our region come together over the past year for this process. We are thankful for the opportunity that the state and governor has given us, and we are ready.”
About Our Southern Indiana RDA
The RDA Board of Directors consists of five members appointed by Boards of Commissioners of five founding members, Clark, Floyd, Jefferson, Scott and Washington counties. Board members serve a four-year term and may be appointed to subsequent terms. Members include Chair Dana Huber, Huber’s Orchard, Winery, & Vineyards and the Starlight Distillery, Clark County; Vice Chair Ken Rush, retired, Vice President Sellersburg Stone Co., business development Irving Materials (IMI), Floyd County; Secretary Kevin Kellems, business & public affairs consultant, Jefferson County; Steve Meyer, retired, Scottsburg High School, Scott County; and John Jones, founder of the John Jones Automotive Group, Washington County.