The Premier Homes team recently spent a day volunteering with
Home of the Innocents, which provides a range of important
residential, treatment and community-based programs,
including offering a safe haven for at-risk children; pediatric
medical care; shelter and education for pregnant and parenting
teens; crisis and intervention services; clinical treatment services
and therapeutic loving foster and adoption services. The Home –
as it’s often called – also operates a pediatric convalescent center
for children who are dependent on technology to sustain life, as
well as children who are terminally ill. Learn more about the
organization by visiting homeoftheinnocents.org. The Premier Homes team organized, sorted and collected
items needed for families and children who are in a tough spot.
“Supporting our community and, more specifically, children
in crisis has always been a passion,” said Premier Homes Sales
Manager Cat Stevens.
Premier Homes, which is headed up by President Jeff Corbett, is
known for quality construction and exceptional value as well as
the team’s continued commitment to the community. To learn
more about the company, go to premierhomesonline.com.