Photos by Tim Girton
Aug. 6 | Huber’s Orchard and Winery in Starlight
The Indiana University Southeast Athletic Department’s Champions Dinner broke records once again. The 4th annual event, which was held Aug. 6 at Huber’s Orchard and Winery, raised $40,000 and had nearly 300 guests in attendance. IUS Athletics received the most donations in the event’s history, including from 40 local businesses and organizations. Funds raised from the dinner support athletic scholarships at IUS.
(Clockwise from top left)
Connie Devall and Coach Wiley Brown | Keith Blackburn and Scott Wilkins | Coach Jim Morris chatted with Damon Bates | Richard Weaver with Amada Dailey-Weaver | Vice Chancellor Dana Wavle spoke with guests | Joe Glover addressed the reception.