You are beautiful. Who doesn’t love to hear those words? B.A.Y.A. (Beautiful As You Are), a nonprofit organization, was founded by Tanisha (Tish) Frederick who, as a mother, watched her own daughter struggle with feelings of lack of self-worth, bullying, and self-harm. Feeling that the system was failing her own daughter, Tish went from a frustrated mom to inspired and creating a new way to help. “We just started doing fun, interactive activities to teach her how to cope with stress. It eventually turned into three volumes of curriculum, various journals, to developing this actual brick and mortar, physical location,” said Tish.
What she quickly discovered was that B.A.Y.A was a movement that needed to be shared with young girls everywhere.
B.A.Y.A.’s mission is to build better leaders, entrepreneurs, and servants with high self-esteem and purpose. “We do a big bake sale that helps give kids ownership of their business, and we also do leadership development courses where we bring in actual John Maxwell instructors. All of our other core curriculum is focused on self-esteem building activities,” explained Tish.
Tish also stresses the importance of serving your fellow neighbor and community with the girls she leads. “When you’re serving, you realize ‘well, maybe my life isn’t that bad.’ Someone else might have it worse than you do. I can help make you feel good, but if I teach you the core values on how to really love yourself on your own, that will make a bigger difference.”
B.A.Y.A. is moving across the nation, has curriculum in over 30 schools, various community centers, child-based group organizations, and church groups. It is malleable and can be tailored to fit the needs of different groups.
Tish’s dream is to help as many young women as possible. While her own daughter was the first success story, there are many more. After speaking with Tish, it’s easy to capture her vision and passion for this program, and her love for every person that walks through her door. “I believe people are gifted in certain areas and I really feel like I’m walking in what I’m called to do,” she said.
Volunteers are always welcome to share their time, talents, and donations for a worthy cause. B.A.Y.A. is a place where all are welcome to let their hearts be healed, lifted, and inspired.
Bayacorp.org ● (502) 209-9384 ● tish.frederick@bayacorp.org