A successful wedding playlist is hard to pin down. Do you play party classics, l ike the Electric Slide? If you aren’t paranoid of adding a cliche touch, sure. No matter if you want a pop-y dance vibe or a smooth indy atmosphere, these question will haunt an aspiring bride and groom more then they’ll realize. Guests will have a number of expectations, not to mention attempts at pandering to more specific tastes.
That’s where A Class Act Dj services enter the mix, laying on a track to ease the anxious planning blues. Join us as we discuss these potentially perilous times– served with a side of your favorite River City wine.
Kristy, the socialite. Laurie, the expert. Together, we dish about all things event-related. From the current trends to the when, where and how to have it — along with whom to use.
Eventfully Yours with Kristy Miles-Pearson and Laurie Haag is brought to you by Eventful 203 and presented by Extol Podcasting.
Podcast Sponsors:
Located in beautiful, historic New Albany, Indiana, Eventful 203 is a truly unique Meeting and Wedding Planning Resource Center focused on creating a relaxed and inspired way of planning your events.
Laurie Hagg | laurie@eventful203.com | 502.905.3054 | www.eventful203.com
About our Guest:
When you have one chance to get your event done right, you need A Class Act DJ’s. A Class Act DJ’s will work with you in planning your event and will help make sure everything goes smoothly. With music for all occasions and tastes, they tailor what they play to your audience. With a playlist dating from 1929 to the present, they have the variety to “Play What You Say” and with the experience of 100’s of events, they can help you make sure everything runs smoothly.
Whether you are planning a Wedding Reception, Party, Class Reunion or Corporate Event, A Class Act DJ’s has the experience to make sure that everything goes just as you dreamed it would.
All of us at A Class Act Dj’s look forward to helping you make your event a complete success. Feel free to use our contact page to send as us questions, request a quote or send us feedback.
Call us today! 812-941-9411 | www.aclassactdjs.com
“We’ll Play What You Say”
In the unlikely event that you need a song that we don’t have, we can give you a user name and password and you can upload it here so we will have it for your event.
Venue Sponsor:
River City Winery | 321 Pearl Street | New Albany, IN 47150
812.945.9463 | www.rivercitywinery.biz
Podcast Photos: