In Loving Memory Zeke Fenton-Applegate ????-12.17.14
Photo by Kevin Talley • kevintalleyphoto.com
extol /ik’stol/: To praise enthusiastically. synonyms: enthuse about, acclaim, celebrate.
SEVERAL MONTHS AGO, when my husband, Jason Applegate, and I said, “I do,” we’d already made a commitment of another kind: to work together to share our love of Southern Indiana via a glossy, perfect-bound publication and accompanying website that would extol the virtues of the community, and celebrate its people and places.
After consulting with numerous individuals from a variety of industries and quickly securing support from people who believed in our mission and were more than ready to make the commitment with us, Extol Magazine was born.
Beginning in February 2015 with the inaugural issue, Extol will emerge as a beautiful lifestyle magazine that captures the best of Southern Indiana. Readers and advertisers can expect features that cover everything from food to fashion, business happenings to charity events, time-honored traditions and establishments, the arts and athletic events, but mostly, Extol will showcase — and celebrate — the people who comprise this unique region.
What else can you expect? Beautiful photography by Tony Bennett, who has lived in Southern Indiana for 30 years. Gorgeous layout and design by Adam Kleinert, who has resided in the region for 35 years. A host of experienced writers who are among the best in their craft. And a solution-driven Director of Sales & Advertising in Jason Applegate, who has lived much of his life in Southern Indiana, has more than a decade of experience in advertising and sales, and also serves as Extol’s managing partner.
Our team has one goal: to celebrate Southern Indiana via a high-quality, professional publication unlike anything you’ve seen in our region. Yes, we’ll traverse the bridges from time to time, figuratively and literally. After all, Louisville is a much-needed partner of this community and that relationship is important. But, we are committed to showcasing Southern Indiana and enticing newcomers to this area. We look forward to you joining us in this endeavor.
Angie Fenton
Editor in Chief