Habitat for Humanity has branded themselves as a beacon of hope and a catalyst for change. Established...
In a world where the pressures of life can often seem overwhelming, Centerstone of Indiana stands as...
Nourishing minds and stomachs, one child at a time In a society where education plays a pivotal...
You are beautiful. Who doesn’t love to hear those words? B.A.Y.A. (Beautiful As You Are), a nonprofit...
Every day, 22 veterans take their own lives, a heartbreaking statistic that highlights the urgent need for...
Education is the cornerstone of progress, and communities that invest in the intellectual development of their youth...
Did you know Extol’s youngest employee is 8-year-old Olive Applegate? In addition to being the primary cat...
Meet the women who are mastering the art of interior design Interior design is an art form...
Elevating People, Inside and Out In the realm of beauty and wellness, finding establishments that not only...
March 11 • The GrandPhotos by Jason Applegate The Habitat For Humanity Clark & Floyd Indiana Habitat...