extol /ik’stol/ – To praise enthusiastically. synonyms: enthuse about, acclaim, celebrate.
WE KNEW LAUNCHING EXTOL MAGAZINE would be quite the undertaking. We had no idea it would involve a St. Bernard named Jake.
The Extol team unveiled our inaugural issue at a launch party presented by Your Community Bank at The Exchange Pub + Kitchen in New Albany on March 18. The attendance far exceeded our expectations. So has the response to our publication. We appreciate all of the encouraging words, story suggestions, feedback and requests from businesses to carry Extol. We also are grateful to the advertisers, organizations, contributors, staff members and individuals who were a part of our first issue. One of those was Elizabeth Starck with Southern Indiana Animal Rescue (SIAR).
On a whim, my husband, Jason Applegate (Extol’s managing partner and director of advertising & sales) and I decided to say hello to Elizabeth one Saturday afternoon when she and her fellow SIAR volunteers were holding an adoption day for animals in need of homes at PetSmart in Clarksville. That’s where we met Jake, a 150 pound St. Bernard.
Jake’s previous owner had left him tied outside for much of his life and neglected the big guy so much, he only weighed 100 pounds and was heartworm positive when SIAR rescued him. Thanks to Paul Kiger of New Albany, who paid for Jake’s heartworm treatment, and the love and care his SIAR fosters Lynn Schwenning and Joe Doering provided, after several months, Jake was ready to find his forever home. The moment we saw him, we hoped that would be with us, and soon it was.
I share this tale because we learned what SIAR is doing in our community and wanted to see them in action – which is how we wound up with Jake – through an article in our own publication. Our hope is that with each issue, you, too, will discover the people, places and organizations who make Southern Indiana a region to be celebrated. We also hope our publication compels you to get to know, experience, visit, eat at, shop in and volunteer for the subjects of our stories. And if you have one to share, I’d love to hear from you.
Angie Fenton
Editor in Chief
angie@extolmag.com | 502.551.2698
Extol Magazine is open to everyone and celebrates the diversity of Southern Indiana.